As I said, it's Friday. The weekend is upon us. So, what am I doing?
Oh so much to do. LOL A good list actually. I have been working on some ideas for the blog, including articles and themes. I am currently working on a stylesheet for this darn thing too. yes, I am putting my Web Design Certificate to good use. Building up my portfolio. Starting with my websites and blog site. gotta start somewhere. I am also working on a friend's site as well that I am going to add to my portfolio. :)
Loni and I have something in common -- we both lost a very dear pet within a week of each other. My Mitzy passed on May 11th -- she was just a year old. And Loni's Peppermint passed on the 16th. Below are pics our fur babies.

Losing a pet is hard but we are both on our paths to healing :)
other news for GRT? well I am restructing the biz ... hard times, hard times. Need to figure out what to do. The biggest issue is getting profits above expenses. Nose to the grind stone. Time to call in the big guns and see what Goddess, Universe and the old Horned One can do. Hey I will take some fairy dust on my resume as well! hint hint! and some Angel blessings on my applications, too :)
Hope you all have a great weekend. Get outside and enjoy the weather. Summer is here!!!
Bright Blessings