And boy am I glad I didn't. I watched the womens singles -- we got the silver, then I watched the womens relay! The silver again, but DANG those Aussies can swim. Then all the hubub .. the reason the DBF wanted to watch .. yeah snoring away! HAHA He missed it! I didn't! Thought I was going to wake him up though with all my cheering and whooping! Yes, in my PJS! It was amazing!
Not only did this young man (cutey pa-tutey I might add) beat Spitz' 7 Gold record after 35 or 36 years *yeah holy crap, batman* but he and his teammates kept America's top spot in the 400 meter relay! WOOT! Records broke, 8 Gold medals won ... and he still shows his mom the love! This boy is just so darn sweet! I now understand the hoopla and why my girls are all googly eyed! LOL
Kudos to all the winners! I am inspired and awed at the same time! and I am so glad I did not change the channel!
Just had to share my Olympics moment! -- even if it was in the middle of the night! LOL