From The Secret Daily Teachings - Thank You Thursday
"Today is Thank You Thursday. Today and every Thursday is your day to say and feel "Thank you" in as many ways as you can.
Write a list of all the people and events you want to give thanks for.
Return thanks today to those who have done things for you.
As you walk say "Thank you" in your mind with each step you take.
As you drive, make each time you stop your cue to say "Thank you."
At various times in the day, think and feel "Thank you" inside you seven times in a row.
Look for every opportunity to say "Thank you" to other people, and say it with so much meaning that the person looks right at you.
Thank your way through every Thursday, and make "Thank you" your predominant thought, feeling, and words of the day.
"Thank you" - two words, inconceivable potential power, and all they need is you to put the power into them by expressing them.
Thank you!"
Excerpt from The Secret Daily Teachings
happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 0 Comments
I found Plurk! Come Plurk with me! Woot!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | 0 Comments
Okay right now I am just goofing around and posting with my friends. LOL I personally want to thank Alphacore for inviting me!
so come and see what it's all about.
Black Cat Bash -- 3rd Annual Online Faire
Friday, September 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

We are sponsoring several prizes, including a GRT Witch Basket.Check out all the prizes in the Broom Closet that are being offered.Don't forget to check out the other Vendors of the Black Cat Bash, too! Games Online
Monday, September 01, 2008 | 1 Comments
I love to play Aces Up! High-flying solitaire where you guide your aces to the top! |
What kind of witch are you?
Monday, September 01, 2008 | 0 Comments
What Kind of Modern Tradition Witch Are You? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Hedgewitch A Witch who combines many elements of Traditional Witchcraft and Nature Witchcraft, as well as Shamanism and healing, with a more rural tone to their practise.
ReDuce, ReUse, ReCycle!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | 0 Comments

I am starting a new label for recycling on my blog that will be filled with ideas, crafts, pics and whatever else I can find on my own ReCycle Journey!
Michael Phelps ~ Record Breaking Gold Medals
Sunday, August 17, 2008 | 0 Comments

And boy am I glad I didn't. I watched the womens singles -- we got the silver, then I watched the womens relay! The silver again, but DANG those Aussies can swim. Then all the hubub .. the reason the DBF wanted to watch .. yeah snoring away! HAHA He missed it! I didn't! Thought I was going to wake him up though with all my cheering and whooping! Yes, in my PJS! It was amazing!
Not only did this young man (cutey pa-tutey I might add) beat Spitz' 7 Gold record after 35 or 36 years *yeah holy crap, batman* but he and his teammates kept America's top spot in the 400 meter relay! WOOT! Records broke, 8 Gold medals won ... and he still shows his mom the love! This boy is just so darn sweet! I now understand the hoopla and why my girls are all googly eyed! LOL
Kudos to all the winners! I am inspired and awed at the same time! and I am so glad I did not change the channel!
Just had to share my Olympics moment! -- even if it was in the middle of the night! LOL
New Product for GRT ~ Lotion Bars
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | 0 Comments
What is a Lotion Bar, you ask?
A lotion bar is like chap stick for your skin. ;) Because it is made with beeswax, it stays hard. When you rub it on your skin, the warmth of your body melts the bar -- kind of like a bar of soap. But you don't wash it off!
All the ingredients I use are organic -- which I am very happy about. My bars are not scented with any fragrances, just all natural & organic ingredients.
Sample Size Bars: $3.00 ea or 2 for $5

So Please hop on over to Gypsy Rose Treasures on Aug 4th for your own Lotion Bar!
BB & Namaste!
Gypsy Rose
I am a Wytche
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | 1 Comments
I see beauty in all life..
I hear the whispers of the trees ~
I feel the gentle breeze kiss my face...
The warmth from the sun fills me with energy and passion~
The soft spring rain washes over me and I am renewed.
The wisdom of those before comes to me in my dreams.
The strength and power of Mother Earth grounds me..
and keeps me balanced.
I am a Wytche..
I have pledged myself in my entirety to Them..
For it is from Them all life comes.. to Them all life returns...
And without Them ~ I cease to be.
I am a Wytche..
The magick stirring within me.. is a gift from Them.
I have come to see myself... as They see me...
I have come to know myself... as They know me ~
Love myself as They love me.
I stand with Them.. in my truth.
I am a Wytche..
My truth.. is not the same as your truth ~
Just as your truth.. is not the same as mine...
I do not question or judge your truth.. for we are equal in Their eyes.
All parts of One.
I am a Wytche...
I follow my path.. my map of life with dignity.. with resolve ~
My map.. is not the same as your map~
Yet perhaps you too are a Wytche..
Our maps are unique unto us... albeit our destination the same.
You may walk beside me ... should you choose ~
Let us learn each from the other as we walk.
I am a Wytche...
Maiden.. Mother.. Crone ~
I shall share my life knowledge freely ... shine my light..
So that those who have lost their way.. may see their map once again.
I do not seek to change you.. but to help you..
find you.
(author not known to me)
Good Ole' Summertime Faire
Friday, July 11, 2008 | 0 Comments
Let them know Gypsy sent you!
You'll regret missing this awesome online event so be sure to visit us today. This is a unique online opportunity to find wares you've been looking for, seek advice, learn more and to personally meet with the talented and trustworthy Pagan handcrafters, peddlers and auction sites from the online community.
Check out the awesome selection of FREE prizes available to visitors in our "Broom Closet" as well as the great FREE raffles for just traveling through. (all prizes are shipped FREE!!!) Forget about gas prices and festival entry fees (there's NEVER a cost to visit our faires) and browse from the comfort of your favorite chair for everything you need and want.
Pass this on and tell your friends! This extraordinary opportunity only lasts one day and you're not going to want to miss it!
When: July 11th, 2008
Time: 11:00am to 11:00pm (EST)
Central Time - 1hr behind - 10am - 10pm
Mountain Time - 2hrs behind -9am - 9pm
Pacific - 3hrs behind - 8am - 8pm
Hope to see you there!!!
Brightest Blessings!
New Place ~ New Beginnings
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 | 0 Comments
With this move, it has been difficult to build up stock at GRT. However I have finally gotten the Candle Shoppe stocked with 38 different scents for the Travel Tins, Votives and Jelly Jar Candles. Also you can purchase GRT Gift Certificates! These make great gifts for Everyone on your list who loves candles -- especially Soy Candles that are Eco-Friendly and help contribute to "Going Green"!
Right now Gypsy Rose Treasures is having a "We've Moved" Sale until June 30th! You will save 15% off your entire purchase (excluding GCs)! Woot! So come on by and see what yummy scents we have! Our newest scents -- Butterfly Kisses, Faery Garden and Dandelion Pear -- are a wonderful addition to any Summer decor! Purchase any candle of one or more of one of these 3 scents by June 30th, mention Gypsy Magick Blog in the Comments box during the order process, and I will send you a 6pk of matching scented Tealights for FREE!
Also ~ subscribe to the Gypsy Magick Blog (see link to the right --> ) and create an account at GRT and receive a $5 Gift Certificate to use towards your next purchase with us!
Almost time for GRT's Grand RE-Re-Opening!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 | 0 Comments
New stock will be added daily to get GRT, as well as new scents.
Also, GRT is one of the sponsors for the online faire "Here Comes the Sun" at on Friday, May 23rd from 11am to 1am EST. We are very excited to be part of the Faire! So please come on by and see what games, prizes and goodies you can win ~ plus a great list of vendors that will be selling at the faire. So come on in and see what all that hullabaloo is all about!
Meet our "Here Comes The Sun" Vendors!
What color is your soul painted?
Monday, May 19, 2008 | 0 Comments
What color is your soul painted? Purple Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine. |
Quizzes and Personality Tests |
Here Comes the Sun Online Faire!
Thursday, May 15, 2008 | 0 Comments
May 23rd, 2008
11:00am - 1:00am EST
Central Time - 1hr behind - 10 am - 12 pm
Mountain Time - 2hrs behind -9am - 11 pm
Pacific - 3hrs behind - 8am - 10 pm
Laurie ~ Under The New Moon
Vicki ~ LunaWolf's Mystical Essence
Chrissy ~ Tea Faerie Creations
Zonipa ~ OOAK Auctions
Malice ~ Immortal Light
Gypsy ~ Gypsy Rose Treasures
Rebecca ~ The Polka Dot Dragon
Mary ~ Jupiter Gardens
Tami ~ The Ishkabibble Shop
The Muse Is In!
Thursday, May 15, 2008 | 0 Comments
Is there a reason for this post? Well of course there is! LOL
Every time I have an inspirational idea or tidbit of information I can pass on, It will be under -- The Muse Is In blog page!
I love candle making, sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, digi scrap booking, reading, writing, dreaming, believing, inspiring and everything in between. So when I come across a cool quote, link, article, blog, website and everything in between, I promise that you will see it here in my Blog! I have so many hobbies, interests, crafty thoughts, muses, etc that it is only building up in my head and I need an outlet for it all! So Gypsy Magick Blog is not just about Gypsy Rose Treasures and all its specials, deals and new products! But you will find all kinds of goodies, treasures and other great stuff here, too!
With that all said, my first "Muse Is In" blurb is about a wonderful site I came across that I was sent to from a group list.
Do you have your own business? How about your own website? Have trouble with marketing? Or want to know where to start with a newsletter, banner ads, or joint ventures? And for those who want to learn more about Hyena carts -- The Muses Guide is the perfect place to go.
Michelle is a wonderful young entrepreneur! And she has great ideas! I signed up for her newsletter and cannot wait go get the full version of The Small Business Muse presents Marketing Brainstorm Workshop!
The Muses Guide is a great for all work at home moms and anyone new to small business! So please stop on by and get some of her great, inspiring products!
Bright Blessings
Gypsy Rose
Merry Meet and Welcome to Gypsy Magick Blog!
Sunday, May 11, 2008 | 0 Comments
May 22nd is a special day for me and my family. My youngest son was born -- he's going to be 13. They grow up so fast! One of our favorite movie characters is coming out with a 4th movie to the Indiana Jones "Trilogy" -- Haha I suppose it has to be a ... Quadrology?? So we are very excited! So why not turn it into our own trilogy! It is the perfect day to Reopen GRT!
Gypsy Magick is a work in progress -- you can subscribe to the Blog to get all the updates, new posts and such. I will be posting all kinds of goodies, including special sales and coupon codes that you won't find anywhere else; not even on the main GRT website or shoppe main page. We will be posting upcoming events that we are part of, sponsoring, or just want to promote! You will get raves, rants, kudos, and everything in between with Gypsy Magick! And maybe even some Freebies.
I hope you enjoy your stay! And Remember -- Gypsy Magick is a Place to find Treasures of ALL Kinds! Just as Gypsy Rose Treasures is!
Namaste! Bright Blessings!
Gypsy Rose