school updates for Gypsy

Thursday, February 19, 2009 | 0 Comments

OMG so much going on lately.

I am just past midterm 3rd quarter at SCC. I am enrolled in the Software Development program and very excited. I get my 1st certificate end of this quarter. Woot! One step closer to getting my AAS. During spring quarter I start Ruby -- this is the beginning of 3 quarters worth learning this language. Super stoked.

I am very excited about learning Ruby as this is where the bigger money is right now as there is a high demand but not many that are fluent with Ruby as opposed to say PHP or Perl for example. Ruby on Rails is in a budding stage and growing fast.

I am also going to the Ruby on Rails conference May 4th - 7th --- at the Las Vegas Hilton! Woot! Can we say Road trip for the SCC computer club?!?!?! That's right --- 10 people in a 15 peeps van driving from Spokane WA to Las Vegas! OMG Geeks on the road! Too much fun!

This is going to be a great experience and also a potential job seeking opportunity! There is a small group of us that are looking into starting up a group project as well! So keeping fingers crossed. It's time to start putting my smarts to earning money!
YouTube - The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)

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International Pajama Day

Sunday, February 01, 2009 | 0 Comments

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